People with spina bifida can do anything. Because of us, children with spina bifida will grow up in a supportive, understanding, and accepting community. These brave and resilient kids will grow into strong and confident adults who will achieve their goals, chase their wildest dreams and explore all of life’s possibilities. We, as a spina bifida family, will foster an environment for greatness to happen for people with spina bifida all across Canada.


  • We believe those living with SB CAN
  • We provide love and understanding
  • We are a safe space to ask questions and share experiences
  • We are a bridge to medical research
  • We are proud ambassadors for the community
The content on these pages is provided for information purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. We are not doctors. We are families with children with spina bifida.
Please consult with a physician or other health care professionals for more information on these topics.
© Spina Bifida Families of Canada, 2024. We’ve got your backs! All rights reserved.
PO Box 20083, Brunswick Square, Saint John, NB, Canada
Charitable Registration No. 708875489 RR0001